☞ 阅读材料:
A type of human life this forest old;
All leafy, wither‘d, blooming, teeming, blasted;
Bloom that the reign of summer hath outlasted,
And early sere, and blight that flaunts in gold;
And grass, like sorrow, springing from the mould,
Choking the wholesome tree; and verdure wasted,
Like peace; and berries, like our bliss, untasted;
And thorns, like adverse chances, uncontroll’d.
These flowers are joy that ne‘er shall form a wreath;
These lilies are unsure affection crown’d
☞ 试题:
1.In this poem, our lives are compared to
(A) untasted bliss
(B) this forest old
(C) unsure affection
(D) the wholesome tree
(E) the reign of summer
2.In line 7, “berries, like our bliss, untasted suggests that
(A) the berries are dying
(B) the fruit will go uneaten
(C) berries do not change color
(D) the forest will no longer produce fruit
(E) winter has damaged the berries beyond repair
3. The phrase “grass, like sorrow...Choking the wholesome tree” (lines 5-6) suggests that
(A) lifeis like a thorn
(B) grass corrupts trees
(C) grassis bad for trees‘ growth
(D) life is made more difficult by sadness
(E) life is not as wholesome as a tree surrounded by grass
4. With which of the following statements about death would the author be most likely to agree?
(A) Deathis an inevitable part of life.
(B) People should try not to think about death.
(C) Death often comes suddenly and unannounced.
(D) Death usually comes when life is quiet and still.
(E) Having no appreciation of nature is like being dead.
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