Physics personal statementOne of the most appealing features of Physics is the way that complex physical phenomena can be explained by simple and elegant theories. I enjoy the logical aspect of the subject and I find it very satisfying when all the separate pieces of a problem fall together to create one simple theory. My interest and aptitude for maths adds an extra dimension to Studying science, particularly Physics. I relish the challenge of a complicated problem both in physics and mathematics. I am also a keen practical physicist, during a degree I would like to keep in touch with the practical side of the subject.
My interest in science extends outside the classroom. I keep up to date with new developments and ideas by reading around my school subjects in books and also in journals such as "New Scientist" and "Scientific American". I have read books by Richard Feynman, Richard Dawkins and lan Stewart, I also particularly enjoyed John Archibald Wheeler's "A Journey into Gravity and Spacetime". These books challenge me in a way that is very different from the way in which I am required to think at school.Over the summer holidays of 2001 I arranged three weeks of work experience in the Department of Materials Science at the University of Oxford. During this time I worked with three different research groups studying the atomic structure of surfaces, use of the 3D atom probe, and the structure of magnetic storage surfaces. The work on magnetic surfaces was particularly exciting because it was a new development that could have a significant impact. I also wrote some documents for them, such as a guide to help students find Materials Science resources on the Internet. The whole experience was very useful because I had to apply what I had leamt at school to unfamiliar areas, thus using my brain in an entirely new way.I am a keen sportsman both in and out of school, having represented my school, and the Oxford Devils' under-17 team, at basketball. For the past three years I have played cricket for the school team, being captain for two years I have been in the Oxfordshire cricket squad for my age group since the age of thirteen and have been a senior player at Bicester and North Oxford-Cricket Club since 1998. Playing team sports has taught me a lot about the importance of team work and I believe I can apply this in a working environment. Recently, I discovered an enthusiasm for scuba diving, and have achieved my open water diving license.During my time at university I aim to get a first class education that will stand me in good stead for entering the world of work; I also want to continue my education in an environment in which I can thrive mentally. In return, the university will get a student who is hard working, always willing to learn and will put something back into the community.
personal statementI am interested in studying Politics at University, particularly exploring Comparative Politics and International Relations. I have been interested in politics for several years. My interest has grown recently, mainly due to world events since 9/11 and the fact that I have recently met people who share my interest in politics, although not necessarily my beliefs, and with whom I have been able to discuss and debate current issues.
I am currently studying politics at AS Level. It was not offered during my first year at college, but we successfully lobbied the senior management to allow us to study the subject. My other subjects have given me a wide range of transferable skills. English has helped me to develop my language skills. History with my skills of analysis and examining issues from different perspective, as well as looking at political issues such as why people voted for the Nazi Party in Weimar Germany or the politics behind important events like Vietnam and the
Cuban Missile Crisis. Media and Film have enabled me to find out about different cultures and values, as well as movements such as feminism, especially in modules on representation and world cinema.Overall, my A Level subjects have helped me to become organised, to manage my time and to meet deadlines for homework and coursework. I have had to show my self motivation, as in sixth form college, more emphasis is placed on personal development and learning.Among other activities in college, I was involved in organising a conference on Citizenship. I was in group of students from my own Sixth Form and three others who organised workshops on alcohol, stress, and STIs, which were attended by people of our own age groups. As facilitators for the conference, we took part in a training day, and were given the chance to improve our skills in teamwork, problem solving and public speaking. At one point I was given the opportunity to talk to the entire group of about 200 students and staff, summing up what had been found out during the day.I was involved in helping to organise a visit to college by our local Labour MP, including a question and answer session with the students. This was followed by a visit to the Houses of Parliament in which we met with the MP again and were also given the chance to watch a session of Prime Minister's Question Time. This was interesting because it was at the time when many questions were being asked about the consequences of the war in Iraq.I was involved in the college magazine in my first year, and this year have been made editor, which has helped me to develop skills in organisation, diplomacy and delegation. I have also been involved in my college's Student union as the Communications Officer.I would like to attend university because I want the challenge that it would present, both academically and also socially. I would also like to be able to continue my role in the student voice that I have begun at sixth form
personal statementPolitics has always been a passion of mine since I was introduced to the course at AS Level and I have joined the Conservative party to help me understand their dramatic fall from grace in the last decade. I am also interested in what they are trying to do to get back to the top of the tree of British politics. Although I have no political ideology as such, many single-issue lobby groups have interested me as I feel this is the way forward as opposed to conventional party politics. I now take a keen interest in public affairs. English is also a big part of my life in and I love reading and writing. Last year I entered a competition to write a film script for a TV channel and I was greatly encouraged by their response. I write in my diary daily and also occasionally pen my thoughts in the form of poetry. Ted Robbins’ work is of great interest to me as he is not only local, but also a man of many talents. As a proud Welshman, my commitment to language stretches to learning Welsh in my spare time. I am also competent in both French and Italian picked up from school and foreign excursions. Although both English and ICT involve coursework, I enjoy the fact that I have motivation to work towards university throughout the year instead of it all hinging on exams.
I have won many awards for football, cricket and athletics, including “Players’ Player of the Year” at my local club and a trophy for “Outstanding Effort”. I enjoy a challenge and am constantly trying new and interesting things. I am competent on four musical instruments – Cornet, saxophone, piano and guitar. Music is a big part of my life and I am stirred by many pieces. I often listen to music when working or just too generally relax me. I feel it heals the soul and again, is inspiration to write. In between my studies I enjoy socialising with my friends. This can be in many forms including games of tennis, football and snooker, going out to town or just one of my friend’s houses. I have a few groups of friends and I make new ones easily. This is good preparation for university.
I have been weaned on books from a young age, and a lot of my time is spent immersed in a good book. I particularly enjoy books on sport and computing, although it was Sue Townsend who first inspired me to write with her Adrian Mole series, a witty and gloriously humorous sequence of books I took to immediately. The whole concept of computers fascinates me and in my spare time I’m learning web design. I have managed two popular websites, one of which was paid employment for a company called Rivals. For my work experience I went to the local paper, which gave me a good idea of what journalism entails and encouraged my interest in the field. I wrote many stories that were published and I learned important skills such as working as part of a team and meeting deadlines. I have honed these skills in part-time jobs since.My motivation is my lifelong desire to go to university and to better myself as a person. I have a thirst to learn and I am suited to the university lifestyle. I have always wanted to be a journalist and a degree in Politics or English can give me the scope to go on and be successful in life. I am more than mature enough to handle myself on my own in unfamiliar surroundings.
personal statementSince my early teenage years I have had a strong interest in the world that I live in; wanting to understand where mine and others’ places can be and are in society; not just locally but globally, so I follow current affairs programmes on the television and read newspapers and journals, such as the ‘Economist’, with interest. However, I wish to explore further the causes and effects of human interactions. The study of economics and politics provides explanations and predictions, as well as more universal theories, which underlie human behaviour, as well as offering insight into the validity of the various political choices competing for our favour.
The subjects I am studying at A Level provide a good grounding in skills and knowledge for these two interrelated disciplines. English Language ensures that I can analyse, and communicate clearly and effectively, in both the spoken and written mode. History - the study of the past and its implications - is most valuable as it provides research skills and improves my essay writing, as does Psychology which also gives some insights into how our minds variously function. Physics develops experimental and - along with Mathematics - analytical and problem solving skills, as well as ensuring my abilities have breadth. I am most enthusiastic at the prospect of having my abilities stretched and raised to a much higher standard, especially as I have not studied economics or politics before.By the end of my degree course I also expect to be a more astute, mature person; I shall certainly take advantage of all the various social and sporting opportunities your university offers. It is my current career ambition to have a job in professional politics as an MP, to play a part in national policy making and legislation, as well as experiencing the pride of being a democratic representative of the people. This ambition flows from my concern for the wellbeing of others and the continued freedom of our people. Your degree course is ideal preparation for this career because it will impart the knowledge necessary for informed policy formation, and the skills - such as good communication and effective debating - needed to succeed in this competitive occupation.I am a member of the Conservative party and follow their policy reformation after 1997 with interest. Currently my other interests include science and technology - I enjoy reading the ‘New Scientist’ journal, for instance - as well as computers, of which I regard myself as an advanced user. For example, I use the Internet for study and research into areas of interest, such as comment on government policy decisions, and upgrading hardware myself. Also, last year I had a 3D computer game ‘add-on’ - designed by myself over a lengthy period, teaching myself a great number of skills in this field - packaged on a number of international magazines, including the UK-based ‘PC Gamer’. I also enjoy walking with my family and our dogs in the Dorset countryside, and am a member of the Vegan Society.
五、Politics, Philosophy and Economics
personal statement For the past four years I have developed a strong interest in philosophy and politics and greatly enjoyed debates on these topics. Upon studying economics in the sixth form I found it to be a fascinating topic, especially since it complemented many of the political issues I had been interested in, such as the economic problems facing Nazi Germany for much of the inter-war period.
Politics has been a hobby outside school for the past few years. I have spent much time debating politics with friends and I find myself continually re-evaluating my own views, especially with regards to political theory. I am especially interested in the politics of Germany during the Nazi era. On that particular topic I have found ‘Rise and fall of the Third Reich” by William Shirer to be of particular interest. I find Hitler’s use of effective propaganda, especially with regards to the indoctrination of the Hitler youth truly incredible, as well as how it relates to modern propaganda techniques suggested by Noam Chomsky in Manufacturing Consent.During my time doing Economics I have found many aspects of the course that interest me, such as the debate on whether or not Britain should join the Euro, and I personally agree with Gordon Brown that in economic terms, joining the Euro is a bad idea at present, however at the same time I believe that as a political decision, joining the Euro would be beneficial, both to Britain and the rest of Europe. I believe the decision to commit Britain’s control over interest rates to a European body is dangerous at a time when Britain is relatively thriving when compared to Germany, who are trying to struggle out of a recession.I believe Philosophy is one of the fundamental components of political theory. Political Philosophy will ask such questions as, “Are certain Political theories better adapted to human nature than others”. This comes down the question of human nature and idea’s such as nature vs. nurture as to whether man’s behaviour is primarily dependent on ones genes, and hence biological ancestry, or is affected throughout ones life by the actions of others around them, especially during childhood when most people are most impressionable.
My Economics was also furthered by my participation in the Young Enterprise competition. I was Marketing Director and learnt the importance of good communication skills both within the company and to clients. I also took the Young Enterprise exam and managed to attain a Distinction. Within the Perse School I have attained both music and drama colours, the latter being for doing sound for various school drama events.I enjoy sports, especially racket sports like squash and badminton. I have a strong love of music, both listening and playing. I have played the drums for 7 years and am presently working towards my Grade 8 drums. I play in the school Wind Band and Swing Band as well in my own band, Xeoro, and I hope that I will be able to further myself during my university years by actively participating in the Musical activities the University has to offer.The balance of schoolwork, musical activities and keeping a social life while still keeping time to pursue other hobbies has meant that I learnt to cope with a busy lifestyle. I believe this will help me cope with the hard work needed to succeed in university life and that in doing this course I can combine and further enhance my interests in Politics, Philosophy and Economics.
personal statementFrom an early age I have been intrigued by the human mind and how it works. This interest has been enhanced through my study of psychology. Although I have only studied this subject for a relatively short period of time, I have enjoyed the variety the A-level course provides and I feel I have had a sample of different fields of this subject. I have particularly enjoyed studying comparative psychology because I am interested in how the human mind can be explained in evolutionary terms and how we can be compared to non-human animals.
I have always enjoyed mathematics, both learning and application. I have relished the course I have taken at college as it has a variety of areas and the opportunity to study different branches. I have particularly enjoyed areas of pure mathematics that I have covered since commencing A-levels and I have developed my enthusiasm for algebra by applying it to different problems. I also feel that my statistical background will be advantageous to my psychology work. I have enhanced my assessment and evaluation skills through my A-level in Religious Studies, particularly the modules on philosophy and ethics. I feel that my study into ethics is advantageous when applied to the highly problematic field of psychological research. My logical approach was also demonstrated with my AS-level in economics which gave me the opportunity to interpret data and the effect different factors have on a situation.I demonstrated my people skills when I undertook work experience at a local special needs school after I had completed my GCSEs. This week gave me the opportunity to assist teachers and carers with large groups of children of different ages and abilities. This included helping heavily disabled children with Physical Education lessons, autistic children with art classes and aiding pupils with severe epilepsy to do basic numeracy and literacy. I also helped a group of teenagers, most older than myself with a range of physical and learning disabilities, to do basic cookery. I found this week very rewarding, although it was both mentally and physically taxing as children had to be supervised, and often assisted, at all times.My part-time job at a doctor's surgery has made me more a responsible individual as I deal with patient confidentiality. I have also become more confident and gained a great deal of common sense as I deal with, and reassure, members of the public.In my free time I enjoy participating in a variety of different activities. I am a member of a local gym which I attend several times a week, I am a keen horse-rider, I regularly go on skiing holidays and I have recently started Salsa dancing. I have also participated in Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards and hope to start my Gold Award. I particularly enjoy the planning and undertaking of expeditions as they are physically challenging and encourage teamwork. I also enjoyed the 'service' required for the awards. For my bronze award I helped at a local Brownie Pack and this included helping to prepare activities and going away on a 'Pack Holiday' residential weekend with the girls. I was able to do this through my links with Guiding, I was a member of this organisation for ten years and was presented with my Baden Powell Award, the highest achievement that could be gained by a Guide.I am a keen musician and I enjoy the clarinet, gaining Grade 2 with merit 5 years ago before focussing on pieces that I enjoyed including those in a Jazz-style in 'the Peter Brown Band'. and .I have been a member of several choirs, the highlight being performing Honnegar's Joan d'Arc in the BBC Proms in the Albert Hall as a member of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Youth Choir. As a member I also sang in the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, the Liverpool Cathedral and on 'Songs of Praise'. I am an active church member and I regularly volunteer at fund-raising efforts.
At college I am a charity representative. This position of responsibility involves fund-raising and selecting charities that the college supports, a role which I take seriously and enjoy doing. For my silver Duke of Edinburgh award I volunteered at my local Oxfam shop for sixth months. I enjoyed meeting members of the public and working with others volunteers to raise money. I have also taken part in my church fund-raisers and I am currently training for the Liverpool Ladies 10km Run next year in aid of a local hospice.I am a logical thinker and this, combined with my enthusiasm for the human mind, leads towards a future in a scientific field of psychology. The combination of my interests logically suggests a career such as that in ergonomics and this idea has been encouraged by a recent meeting that I had with team of psychologists concerned with Health and Safety.
personal statementI am applying to study Zoology because of my enthusiasm for the environment and my fascination for living organisms. I am particularly interested in physiology and animal behaviour, as well as ecology and biodiversity which I have studied at A level, and would welcome the opportunity of acquiring further knowledge on biological aspects with a focus on animals.
I am currently hoping for a work experience placement at the Cotswold Wildlife Park or with the Oxford Preservation Trust, and intend to travel abroad on a wildlife conservation project. Eventually I hope to pursue a career in an organisation such as Bom Free Foundation, WWFN, or to carry out research of my own on animals in their natural habitat.
My genuine interest in Zoology has been broadened by popular literature by Steven Jay Gould such as 'Hen's teeth and Horse's Toes'; this proved exciting and explanatory. I have visited. Science and Natural History museums, and television nature documentaries alongside Geography and Biology lessons help me appreciate the pressures on wildlife today.My A level subjects support my interest in the overlap between real-life studies, scientific theory and the 'wider economic and social context as explored in General Studies. I lived in Portugal until recently and am bilingual in English and Portuguese. I find studying French very useful for travel. I have been on both Biology and Geography residential courses in which I leant valuable fieldwork techniques and practised working individually as well as with others.Outside school I have a part-time job at WHSmith as a Sales Assistant and I help at the Bradmore nursery in north Oxford for Millennium Volunteers, which complements my babysitting skills. I have also made collections for charity, namely for the 'Leprosy Relief Association' and 'The Red Cross'.I found my work experience at the Oxford University Department of Experimental Psychology in February 2000 very stimulating and I continue to take part in current research studies at the department as part of the control group As a result of these commitments I have become more ambitious, determined, and responsible and have a better understanding of the world of work.I enjoy reading novels, spending time with friends and dancing. I attend the Royal Academy of Dancing Ballet school and I am working towards my grade 8.I have taken part in Ballet shows, a Fashion show for Young Enterprise and more recently was a member of the backstage crew for the school production. I have an interest in sport, I have been mountain climbing, scuba diving and snorkelling and take pleasure in swimming, cycling and ice- skating. I'm very much looking forward to the work and the social side at University, meeting new people and extending my studies to a field that fascinates me.
have always been interested in Graphic Design and have never considered anything else as a career. Once at High school I chose the course as an option at GCSE level. For my GCSE I came away with a 100% mark in my course work and an A* for my exam, the highest overall grade seen at the school.I am hoping to do Graphic Design at Uni. whilst still living at home. This will allow me to focus on my studies, without distraction. Even before college I spent my time voluntarily designing graphics for web sites. At first it was just a one off logo for a friend, but this has turned into doing three complete web sites. This developed my skills in using Photoshop, Pagemaker, Illustrator, Macromedia Flash & Dreamweaver and other web orientated graphics tools. As I have come through college, I have found that, as a career, I would like to go into advertising, or Creative Digital Design. I find I enjoy the design of posters, CD/book covers, technical diagrams, using computers and other interactive technology. Out of college, I have a part-time job at a cycle shop and also a job at a hotel, working in the kitchen. Here I am hoping to start my NVQ in Health and Safety, this will be the first step in training to be a part-time chef. I have also worked previously in a range of part-time jobs, including a full-time summer job at a camping suppliers. At home, I like to spend my time socialising, riding mountain bikes, competitively building/racing radio controlled cars, playing football/basketball, and riding motorbikes; I have just finished restoring a Suzuki Bandit. I also take an interest in composing dance music using computers, CD's and Vinyl.
have always considered Computing both exciting and challenging. From the age of six I have enjoyed programming in high-level languages such as BASIC on an Oric-1 machine. My interests were further inspired with the arrival of an Acorn Archimedes several years later, and I was encouraged to start developing applications using the WIMP environment.
At the age of 14 I attended an adult evening class in GCSE Computing. I wrote a relational database in SAM, a high-level database language as part of my coursework. The database was designed for my mother, a community nurse, who needed to keep track of her patients records and the treatment they had received. During my GCSE Technology course I developed an application allowing movement to be processed and then reproduced as sound, using a CCD Camera, digitizer and a MIDI Tone Generator. The project was developed and written in ARM Assembler. More recently I have written and developed programs in a variety of high and low level languages, including; Visual Basic, Delphi (Pascal) and ARM Assembler, using an Acorn RISC PC and a Pentium 2 machine.
Following school examinations a Solicitor's firm employed me during the summer holidays. Alongside my office responsibilities, I helped to develop a database in Microsoft Access that was to be a pilot test in the firm, prior to implementation in other branches. After starting College, Prism Data Management employed me as a part-time member of their telephone sales team. I was interviewed and selected for the job, as a result of my Computing abilities.
After consultation, and advice from career advisors, tutors and universities, I re-evaluated my career aspirations and re-structured my A-Level subjects to meet the requirements for most degree courses in Computer Science. Consequently I am currently studying; Computing, Law, AS Government and Politics, AS Religious Studies and AS Mathematics.
As part of my A-Level Computing course I am developing an MOT database in Microsoft Access using Visual Basic for a close relative who owns and manages a chain of motor-garages. The system will be demonstrated, evaluated and implemented in early 1999. It is expected to manage and assist in the booking, testing and servicing processes, and will maintain a valid, automated database of customers.
My other interests include composing music of varied genre in our home studio, using sequencing and recording equipment. I enjoy playing the keyboard and the saxophone. I am an active member of the local Church and have assisted in the running of many youth events, Alpha Bible study courses and Freedom, a Christian youth band.
I consider myself a reliable and enthusiastic individual. My studies in the social sciences have developed my interpersonal and communicative skills. Proficient skills in Computing have inspired me to design a web page (http://come.to/gates-home/). I am confident that a degree in Computer Science will further enhance my future career aspirations in the Computing industry.
I realise Computer Science is at the cutting edge of the technological revolution, and that computers are becoming a vital tool for industries and households alike. Computers are relevant to a vast majority of people across the world, and I aim to be at the forefront of this revolution, improving people’s lives through speech recognition, neural communications or similar areas.My computer experience includes constructing a Web Site, producing a monthly Newsletter for my local choir, and also a week’s work experience with Swanlind, an advertising firm that creates Web Sites and promotional videos for big-name companies. During this time, I redesigned the promotional leaflets used by the company itself. My GCSE Design and Technology project involved a logic-based electronic system to control light signals for a model railway.I have been a member of my local Parish Church Choir for over ten years, during which time we have been a visiting choir to many Cathedrals during the summer breaks, and have toured Paris. It is renowned for being one of the few ‘male only’ parish church choirs left in the country which is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music. Recently it has recorded a service for Palm Sunday for the BBC World Service, and this November performs for the second occasion this decade in Birmingham Symphony Hall’s Festival of Remembrance. I also sing in the School Choir and the ‘Choral Society’, and have passed my Associated Board Grade VIII Singing exam with Merit.In 1998 I won the City of Birmingham’s Choir’s ‘Write a Carol for Christmas’ competition, and this year the (London) Bach Choir’s ‘Write a Carol for Christmas’ competition. The two carols written for these competitions were performed in the choirs’ Family Christmas Concerts in Symphony Hall and the Royal Albert Hall respectively.This year I am the School Organist, and have also passed my Grade VII Piano.I am a member of my School’s Senior Athletics team, competing in the Triple Jump and Sprints, or running the scoring system at meetings, using a custom-built computer program. I play table tennis in my spare time, and have played rugby for the school.I have been to Germany on many occasions, most notably on the school German Exchange to Wiesbaden, but also with my Father’s scout group, which stays in a youth hostel belonging to family friends. On these trips, I have had the opportunity to practice my Language skills, and would like to further them wherever possible.I hope that after University I can progress and gain a worthwhile job in the computing world, either in Britain or abroad. Gaining a degree is to me the best way to further my learning and I hope that my interest in technology will enable me to get the best out of the course.
I'm most interested in going to England for a Computer Science degree because of the extraordinary learning possibilities that being in a new environment can provide, as well as being the most personally and educationally rewarding. Attending university in England would give me the type of challenge I desire. Coming to this conclusion after spending a short vacation in Manchester, I noticed how the English system tends to be more focused and intensive on the specific subject being studied. Having courses that were superfluous was the reason for a lack of enthusiasm with my past education, I often found that I would finish coursework in school ahead of schedule and wouldn't be allowed to advance beyond other students. My past education has been unconventional in that I've had private, public, and home schooling. As a home studies student I had to maintain self discipline to accomplish my goals and achieve my GED at 16. In public school I was placed in advanced classes and given a heavier workload. One year my teacher chose me to tutor students with learning disabilities, something which required patience and adaptive skills.
My attraction to computers and technology at an early age has continued. Although not academically trained, I have taught myself to analyze practical problems and evolve workable solutions. This ability demonstrates my determination to see the problem through and in doing so enhance my competency in using multiple computing platforms such as Windows and Linux. Working on my own I discovered a major security flaw in Microsoft Office Online which saved the company from suffering a large loss in user data as well as avoiding bad publicity. This self development of computer skills was complimented by the foundations of a liberal education given to me by my grandfather, a college professor for over 40 years.
I have learned to work well on cooperative projects. Recently I was a member of a team which completed a website involving thousands of items for a large online retailer. I enjoyed brainstorming and debating, then making and applying an actual solution. Most rewarding to me is the thrill I get when applying what I've learned to create and finish a project. Starting something, seeing it through to gestation, and have it come alive benefiting others is what I most enjoy.
Over the past years I have had a keen interest in computers and electronic communications. I was self taught until I began to study information technology at Sixth Form College. I completed a GNVQ Information Technology at City of Westminster College. I am currently doing a BSc in Computer Communications & Networks at the Department of Computers and Telematics within the University of Westminster. I am doing this course to learn more in this field and to attain a high level qualification. I hope to go on to specialize in telecommunications at postgraduate level. I have worked at City University, where I had the task of authoring a set of web pages. The work that I did was not only published on the internet, but was also part of a display at the Barbican. Whilst on my placement I also had the opportunity to put together a multi media presentation. In my spare time I enjoy authoring in html, and have put together a number of pages. I have constructed a site for an American football team. I am learning how to program in Pascal and C++ at the moment, and have written a few simple programs independently. I am also investigating the Java language. I also enjoy maintaining my multi platform network at home. I have been a scout leader for a number of years now. This role is demanding and requires determination, but very rewarding. At college I was the Treasurer for the students union , and in previous year I was the Communications officer. As an executive officer I played a vital part in the union . I also play American football for the London Capitals. The team has a good record, and so far while with the team I have attained one national title, three conference titles, and two league titles. I recognise that there is a big future in computers and electronic communications, especially with the recent well publicised boom in multi media and the internet. I wish to be part of that future taking computers into new areas of life, helping people to raise the standard of living.
My fascination with science started at a very early age. The branch of science that interested me most had always been physics. My approach led me to ask questions like “What makes the InterCity 125 the (then) fastest train in the world?” after having travelled on it. Hence I pursued a string of hobbies such as trainspotting, concentrating on things like the power of the engines and how they work. When they ran into one another, I would ask questions such as “What makes the cab crumple in the way that it does? What if instead I bash two neutrons together at near to the speed of light?” In order to keep up to date with all the new developments I read the New Scientist every week. I have chosen to do Physics at university simply as a quest for knowledge. My interest in music gradually merged with my interest in physics as I learnt to tune the Harpsichord and listening out for ‘resultants’ which are the tell-tale sign of bad tuning. In the universities that offer it, I have chosen to do Physics/Music joint degrees so that I can extend my understanding of the physical phenomena of music and can also enjoy my violin-playing. In other universities I have chosen courses that delay specialisation because I have also a strong interest in the chemistry of materials. In my free time I pursue a wide range of activities including music (performing, listening and composing, specialising in the music of the Baroque period, having attained A/B Grade 8 on the Violin and Grade 5 with Distinction in Theory), circuit design and construction, calligraphy, philately, software design and computer programming (Pascal, C, HTML, BASIC, 8086 and 6502 Assembler), typesetting and publishing - including the school arts magazine “Cerulean”, sailing in dinghies, visiting historical sites and reading about them. I have been a committee member of the computer society, secretary of the junior scripture union , an assistant school librarian, a cricketer in the 3rd XI, on the committee of the School Student Council and on the panel of the “Young Enterprise” scheme. When Science ‘at home’ happened in 1995 I presented a very successful display on rates of reaction and I subsequently gained an academic scholarship to Felsted. I have given various talks as a member of the debating society, representing my division and the school in various debates. After having been awarded a Senior Scholarship in the Lower Sixth at Felsted, I was invited to join the “Andrew Society”, the senior academic society of the school, to which I gave various presentations. I have also played in at least 7 orchestras, participated in various plays & musicals, sung in various choirs, rehearsed the orchestra for the “divisional music contest” and led the William Wood Harpsichord Trio for 2 years, including an item in a concert at the Usher Hall. During the Summer I was responsible for the Northern Festival Sinfonia, and organised a charity concert for them which raised a substantial amount of money for the Handel House Trust. In my Lower Sixth I spent considerable time helping with the maintenance and repairs of the school computers and the network, and also wrote various applications some of which have been released as shareware. Thus, this summer I was able to work as a freelance computing consultant in Edinburgh. I have been very interested in pottery and the chemistry of glazes, when I had the opportunity to attend a pottery class after school. In my upbringing I attended various masterclasses on Mathematics and Physics, a Theology class every week for 3 years, the ‘Understanding Industry’ course and an SSPCA ‘Caring for Animals’ course in 1994, obtained 3 Gold certificates in Scottish Mathematics competitions, including one ‘best in school’, as well as qualifying as a Leading Seaman in CCF Navy.
For admission to a university in England you have to fill in a form from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). They for a very reasonable fee provide all applicants to unversities and colleges in the UK with a way to apply to up to 6 universities (or multiple courses at, say 3 universities). Part of the form (apart from all the obvious details such as name and address), is half a page where you are asked to write about yourself, your interests and so on. Inevitably you have to make it sound as good as possible, as you're trying to sell yourself to the universities you're applying to...I applied to the universities of Aston, Bath, Bristol, Cambridge, Imperial College London, and Loughborough. All for an MEng (Master of Engineering degree) in Chemical Engineering, except for Bristol where I went for an MEng in Computer Science, so this is tailored towards those courses. Anyway... Here it is. I don't guarantee that you won't get bored! ;-). (NB this was written in the summer of 1999, and is therefore not too current!).Reasons for Course Choice .
Since beginning secondary school, I've been very interested in Chemistry and Computing. Besides my normal schoolwork I've read around these two subjects. Because I am also very keen on Mathematics and Physics, I want to pursue a degree course that combines all or most of these. Both of my parents are Science/Engineering graduates and they have taught me some of the qualities needed for a degree course in this field. This has encouraged me to find out about the opportunities available. Aims
I have applied to several firms for sponsorship while at university and during a gap year, with the intention of getting Engineering-related work experience. This would give me valuable experience for the course at university. I hope to obtain a Master of Engineering degree and become employed in research and development in the oil or food industry. Eventually, I would like to do postgraduate study, and perhaps even teach Chemistry/Engineering. Interests
I play basketball, tennis, volleyball, and I like kayaking. By far my biggest sports interest, however, is orienteering. I've won several trophies for Andalusian and league championships, and I've helped to organise regional orienteering events. I have also designed the database system for my club. My greatest interest outside school is computing. I have done a large amount of web design. I help maintain the computer systems at my father's workplace; and I also do some part time work teaching people on a one-to-one basis how to use their computers. I like writing manuals or "notes" on things related to computers, and have published an article on web design in a small US computer magazine. I have written papers on the use of data-logging and other equipment for my school's science department. This year, I was responsible for laying out my school's entire yearbook using DTP software. Recently, I was employed developing a web site and training staff for an organisation in London. When I have time I play the keyboard, and also do some sound engineering: I used to operate the mixing desk at my local church, as well as help at my parents' workplace, which is a professional recording studio. I enjoy teaching and have given weekly tuition in Maths and English. General Points
I've lived in Spain for 14 years and am fluent in Spanish. In addition, my parents work with North Africans, Middle Easterners, Americans, Spaniards, Britons, and people of other nationalities. I have gained valuable experience growing up with many different cultures around me, and as a result appreciate the difficulties of cross-cultural communication. I have been part of several "King's Kids", teams which perform music and dance all over Spain. This entailed travelling away from home for 3 weeks at a time, and having to work with around 60 other people. I think that this has made me a fairly rounded person, and I therefore feel confident about "fitting in" with people from any culture
I am applying to university to read chemistry because this is the subject that I enjoy most. As with science in general, I find it interesting, often fascinating, and I feel that I could gain much from studying it at university.Last year I spent a fortnight on work experience, and enjoyed both of my two placements. At Birmingham University School of Chemistry, I was able to use some techniques that were new to me at the time - such as GCMS, HPLC, and I.R. spectroscopy. I found it particularly enjoyable when I later learnt about the theory behind these at school. At Russell's Hall Hospital, working in the pathology labs, I saw some medical applications of these and various other techniques, and was able to learn a little more about the science behind them.I have just finished taking part in a six-week research project at Birmingham University with a bursary from the Nuffield Foundation. The project was organic chemistry based, and involved working towards the synthesis of a [2]catenane, with an intermediary being the synthesis of a pseudorotaxane. I also hope to gain a Crest 'gold' award for this work.In and out of school, much of my free time is devoted to playing sport or rehearsing and performing in a number of orchestras and smaller groups.I play the oboe, and earlier this year I achieved a distinction at grade VIII. I have been very lucky to play in my school Symphony Orchestra, which has been an enjoyable experience, as well as Concert band. I also play in a wind quintet at school and sing in one of the choirs. Out of school, I play oboe in Birmingham Schools Baroque Orchestra and contra-bass recorder in B.S. Recorder Sinfonia. Earlier this year I performed in the National Festival of Music for Youth, in Symphony Hall, with the Sinfonia, and I have just been asked to play solo recorder in a concerto with B.S.B.O. later this year. I intend to continue playing music at university.In season, I am the goalkeeper for my school Hockey 1ST XI, and sometimes for my local hockey club. I enjoy this - although to prioritize work I have had to cut down on these activities recently. I also enjoy cycling and canoeing - I often ride to school in summer.I am one of a number of licensed radio amateurs in school, and I am the secretary of my school Amateur Radio & Electronics Society. We are lucky as we have some good equipment provided by the school, including a number of aerials on the roof! When conditions are good, I have been able to speak to other amateurs as far away as America and Australia. Most years we take part in a 24-hour competition run annually by the Radio Society of Great Britain.At university, I hope to further my understanding of chemistry and develop as a scientist. I enjoy a challenge and the reward that comes from solving a problem, or understanding a new concept, and I believe this is why I find science so interesting. I also enjoy an active life, and I intend to contribute to university life through music and sport.
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