以上图为例,所有用黄色表明的文字都可以简写,有些直接删掉都行。例如文中标黄的“The first time I was on stage was”,这句和前面的那句几乎完全重复,读者看了肯定觉得没意思,整段文字都黯然失色了。
Theater did not come naturally to me, and I felt remarkably self-conscious and nervous the first few times I set foot on stage in the eighth grade. My best friend had talked me into auditioning for Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.
以上图为例,这洋洋洒洒三行半,几乎没什么内容。What endeavors? What abilities? What things? 作者想陈述的是篮球在他成长过程中的积极作用,但很遗憾,这段文字没能达到他想要的目的。
Not only do I find basketball fun, but the sport has helped me develop my leadership and communication skills, as well as my ability to work with a team. As a result, my love of basketball will make me a better business major.
问题3:陈词滥调( Clichés)
在大学申请的essay中,绝对不要出现 Clichés。这些被滥用的短语只会让你的文章显得单调乏味,没有新意。咱们写essay的目的是为了让录取老师get excited about you!过时的短语只会让老师觉得你很没创意。
以上图为例,这一段描写的是对作者产生重要影响的哥哥。作者对哥哥真是不吝赞赏之词,可惜,用词方面太过陈腐。one in a million这词读者都听过a million times了。这些词让读者对他哥哥兴趣全无。来看看文案老师的改后版,活力十足!
Throughout high school, I have tried to emulate my brother. He takes his responsibilities seriously, yet he is generous when dealing with the shortcomings of others. This combination of reliability and graciousness makes others turn to him for leadership. My own successes in high school are due largely to my brother's example
Soccer has been a part of my life for longer than I can remember. Literally. My parents have photos of me crawling around as a baby pushing a ball with my head. My later childhood was all about soccer -- the community league at age four, and participation in regional tournaments by ten.
以上图为例,作者提到的“other jobs”并没有起到强化“Burger King”工作经历的作用。把标黄的句子删掉,文章会更有力。来看看文案老师的改后版。
Although it wasn't academically challenging, I learned a l
ot from my job at Burger King because I was forced to negotiate some difficult personalities.
The game was close. I won't receive credit for our win, but I did pass the ball to my teammate who scored the winning goal. He received the praise for kicking the ball into the narrow space between the goalie's hands and the upper corner of the goal post, but the victory was really about a team, not an individual.
问题7: 过分依赖系动词
英语中最常用的动词是“to be”(也就是is, was, were, am 等),这些词一定会在你的essay里出现千百遍,但如果你写的句子过分依赖这些“系动词”,那就会削弱文章的感染力。
来看看文案老师改后的版本。表达同样的意思,文案老师使用了更加吸引人的“deserve”和“trace”代替了“is”,文案老师还把“hero”删掉了,这种表达n年前就不流行了。另外把原文意义模糊的“much of what I have accomplished”做了修改。
More than anyone else, my brother deserves credit for my achievements in high school. I can trace my successes in academics and music back to my brother's subtle influence.
被动式: The window was left open. (我们不知道是谁开的窗户)
主动式: Joe left the window open. (现在我们知道是Joe打开了窗子)
被动式: The ball was kicked into the goal by Wendy. (Wendy是踢球的人,但没有放在句子的主语位置)
主动式: Wendy kicked the ball into the goal. (采用主动式后,句子更加简洁生动)
As the opposing team approached the goal, a striker kicked the ball towards the upper right corner. If I didn't block it, my team would lose the regional championship.
再罗嗦一句,被动语态不是语法错误!有时,当你需要强调句子的宾语时,被动语态是必要的。例如,如果你想表达一棵300年树龄的古树被闪电击中这件事,你要强调的重点或许就是这棵古树,而不是闪电,这是你可以用被动式:The beautiful 300-year-old tree in your front yard was destroyed by lightning.
许多以it is, it was, there is, there was 开头的句子都含有虚字结构。一般来说,虚字结构大多以there 或者it这种没有实际意义的词开头,there 或者it在句中不起到代词的作用,也就是说没有先行词,there和it不指代任何内容,只是代替了句子中真正主语的位置。这样的句子往往显得冗长,不够动人。
It was the final goal of the game that determined the state championship.
改后:The final goal of the game determined the state championship.
There were two students at my summer camp who had severe psychological problems.
改后:Two students at my summer camp had severe psychological problems.
It is Saturday when I get to spend time at the animal shelter.
改后:On Saturday I get to spend time at the animal shelter.
不过要注意的是,不是所有的 it is, it was ,there is ,there are都是虚字结构。如果it和there在句中有先行词,也就是有具体的指代内容的话,那就不是虚字结构了。例如:
I have always loved music. It is one of the most important parts of my life.
My parents made a simple rule that got me interested in the trumpet: no television or computer time until I had practiced for half an hour. This rule often angered me, but when I look back I know my parents knew best. Today I'll always pick up my trumpet before the television remote.
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