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时间:1970-01-01  / 编辑:fairy


  3、Participating in the Student Search Service

  If you decided to participate in the Student Search Service, colleges and universities may identify you toprovide you with materials about college admission and financial aid. StudentSearch Service does not report your course grades, test scores, phone numbersor social security number to these organizations, but organizations can requeststudent information based on a variety of criteria which may include scorerange, or other variables such as geographical location or expressed interests.

  简注:如果你决定加入Student Search Service,那么一些院校就会识别出你,可能为你提供一些入学申请或奖学金申请的材料。Student Search Service不会向任何学院机构透露你的课程成绩、考试分数、电话号码等信息,但是学校可以对考试分数范围、地理位置等比较宽泛的信息做了解。

  Score Reports and Score Sending

  Sending official SAT score reports is the only way to ensure that colleges receive yourscores.

  Four SATscore reports are included free with your registration.Sendingscores with your registration is the fastest way to send scores to colleges andscholarship programs.Manycolleges view receiving your scores early as a demonstration of your interest.SATProgram recommends that students send all of their scores if they are unsure ofwhich scores to send.

  Does Score Choice affect how many scores I send or receive?

  Any or all of your scores can be sent to a college on a single report. It does not cost more to send multiple test scores, or all of them. If you choose not to use Score Choice, all of yourscores will be sent automatically in each score report.

  Also, Score Choice applies only tothe score reports that you send to colleges. You and your high school stillreceive scores from all of your test dates.

  简注:任何几次或全部的成绩都可以出现在同一张成绩单上。所以,递交多次成绩或所有的成绩不会产生额外的费用。如果考生选择不是用Score Choice,那所有的成绩都会自动记录到成绩报告中。Score Choice只修改送出的成绩单,而不改变College Board里的分数记录。考生与所在高中依旧会收到所有的分数。

  Should Score Choice influence howmany times I take the SAT?

  No. While you may see a smallscore increase if you take the test a second time, there is no evidence tosuggest that taking the SAT more than twice is beneficial to your score.Remember: Score Choice allows you to choose your scores only by test date, notby test section.

  简注:如果考生第二次的成绩比第一次只有几分的提高,那么,第二次的成绩也不见得对你会有多少帮助。请记住:Score Choice只允许你选择递送的考试日期,但不能选择单独的科目分数。

  How will I remember to send myscores?

  The College Board will sende-mails to you and your counselors to remind you to send your scores.

  简注:College Board将会发邮件提醒考生递送成绩的时间。

  Why should I use my registrationscore reports if I can't see my scores?

  Using the registration score reportsensures that test scores are sent to colleges at the earliest possible moment.Colleges use standardized test scores for admission as well as scholarshipawards, course placement, or selection to a specific program or major. Sendingyour registration score report ensures that colleges have the most complete setof information about you for use in their review processes.

  Should I send my scores early?

  If you know which schools you'dlike to send your scores to and are comfortable sending your scores in thespring of your junior year, you should do so. Some colleges see this as a signof interest. They may also use scores to qualify you for special campus visitprograms, information sessions in your hometown or scholarships.


  Should I send all my scores?

  If you are unsure of which scoresto send or your college has not indicated their preference, then the SAT Program recommends that you send all scores. There are benefits to sendingcolleges all of your scores and colleges are particularly interested in yourbest scores.


  Is there a way to view a list of individual score-use practices by college or university?

  Yes. The SAT Score-Use PracticesList provides an alphabetical listing of college and scholarship programs thathave submitted their score-use practice. Download the SAT Score-Use PracticesList.

  以上内容就是SAT送分、拼分政策解析,附CB官方政策解读介绍,希望对大家的美国留学申请有帮助。如需了解更多出国留学考试的相关信息,欢迎拨打一诺留学的免费热线400-003-6508或者010-62680991进行出国留学咨询,或者点击一诺留学官方网站http://www.yinuoedu.net/页面的“在线咨询”与一诺留学专家直接对话。微信订阅号:留学圈 (微信帐号:yinuoliuxue )

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