College of Humanities and Sciences (人文科技学院)
School of Allied Health Professions (综合医疗卫生学院)
School of the Arts (艺术学院)
School of Business (商学院)
School of Dentistry (牙医学院)
School of Education (教育学院)
School of Engineering (工程学院)
L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs (政府公共事务学院)
School of Mass Communications (大众传媒学院)
School of Medicine (医学院)
School of Nursing (护士学院)
School of Pharmacy (药学院)
School of Social Work (社会工作学院)
School of World Studies (世界关系研究学院)
VCU Graduate School (研究生学院)
VCU Life Sciences (生命科技学院)
VCU da Vinci Center for Innovation (达芬奇创新中心)
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