54 Jack Dongarra (U Tennessee), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
54 David E. Goldberg (UIUC)
54 Ken Kennedy (Rice), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
54 Amir Pnueli (Weizmann and New York University), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
54 Herbert A. Simon (CMU), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Nobel Laureate
54 Jeffrey Vitter (Texas A&M), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
54 Philip S. Yu (UIC), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
53 Tim Finin (UMBC)
53 Sally Floyd (ICSI), ACM Fellow
53 Tomaso Poggio (MIT)
53 Eduardo Sontag (Rutgers), IEEE Fellow
52 Rakesh Agrawal (Microsoft), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
52 Stanley Osher (UCLA), Member of the National Academy of Sciences
51 Jiawei Han (UIUC), ACM Fellow
51 Richard Karp (Berkeley), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
51 Alex Pentland (MIT)
50 Andrew B. Kahng (UCSD)
50 Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli (Berkeley), Member of the National Academy of Engineering
50 Lixia Zhang (UCLA), ACM Fellow
49 Serge Abiteboul (INRIA)
49 Rajeev Alur (U Penn), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
49 Rama Chellappa (U Maryland)
49 W. Bruce Croft (U Mass, Amherst), ACM Fellow
49 Jon Crowcroft (U Cambridge), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
49 David J. DeWitt (Wisconsin), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
49 Mark Handley (U College London)
49 Daphne Koller (Stanford), ACM Infosys Foundation Award
49 Maurizio Lenzerini (Sapienza Universita di Roma)
49 John McCarthy (Stanford), Turing Award, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
49 Michael Stonebraker (MIT), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
49 Sebastian Thrun (Stanford)
48 Michael J. Carey (UC Irvine), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
48 Kai Li (Princeton), ACM Fellow
48 Pavel Pevzner (UCSD)
48 Mihalis Yannakakis (Columbia), ACM Fellow
47 Wil van der Aalst (TU Eindhoven)
47 Leonard Kleinrock (UCLA), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
47 Jim Kurose (U Mass, Amherst), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
47 Richard Lipton (Georgia Tech), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
47 Judea Pearl (UCLA), IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
47 Ben Shneiderman (U Maryland), ACM Fellow
46 Norman I. Badler (U Penn)
46 Hari Balakrishnan (MIT), ACM Fellow
46 David Harel (The Weizmann Institute of Science), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
46 Geoffrey E. Hinton (Toronto)
46 Thomas S. Huang (UIUC), IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
46 Gordon Plotkin (U Edinburgh)
46 Tuomas Sandholm (CMU), ACM Fellow
46 Douglas C. Schmidt (Vanderbilt University)
46 John A. Stankovic (U Virginia), ACM Fellow
45 Olivier Faugeras (INRIA), Member of the French Academy of Sciences
45 Jose Joaquin Garcia-Luna-Aceves (UC Santa Cruz), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
45 Jim Gray (Microsoft), Turing Award, ACM Fellow
45 M. Frans Kaashoek (MIT), ACM Fellow
45 Carl Kesselman (USC/ISI)
45 Vipin Kumar (U Minnesota), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
45 Victor Lesser (U Mass, Amherst), AAAI Fellow
45 Heikki Mannila (U Helsinki)
45 Rajeev Motwani (Stanford), ACM Fellow
45 Badri Nath [B R Badrinath] (Rutgers)
45 Prabhakar Raghavan (Yahoo! Research), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
45 Eero P. Simoncelli (NYU), IEEE Fellow
45 Moshe Y. Vardi (Rice), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
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